/PRNewswire/ VPR Brands, LP (OTC: VPRB): On July 12, 2022, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) of the United States Patent and Trademark Office ruled.
EAST ST. LOUIS - A professional photographer from Atlanta is suing Prism Restoration and its founder for allegedly using his photographs in advertisements without permission.
VPR Brands has Filed Multiple New Lawsuits to Enforce its Intellectual Property Rights
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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., March 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ VPR Brands, LP (OTC: VPRB): VPR Brands is a market leader and pioneer in electronic cigarettes and vaporizers for nicotine, cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD). The company owns Intellectual Property which is one of the original Patents filed for electronic cigarette technology. This Patent dates back to 2009 and includes independent claims covering electronic cigarette products containing an electric airflow sensor, including a sensor comprised of a diaphragm microphone. The sensor turns the battery on and off, and covers auto-draw, button less e-cigarettes, cigalikes, pod devices and vaporizers using an airflow sensor. The technology is covered under electronic cigarette utility patent US 8205622.
VPR Brands Update on Enforcement of U.S. Utility Patent for the companies Electronic Cigarette Auto Draw Technology, Multiple Lawsuits Filed
Feb 26, 2021 1:11 PM ET Legal Newswire POWERED BY LAW.COM
VPR Brands, LP VPR Brands is a market leader and pioneer in electronic cigarettes and vaporizers for nicotine, cannabis and cannabidiol (CBD). The company owns Intellectual Property which is one of the original Patents filed for electronic cigarette technology. This Patent dates back to 2009 and includes independent claims covering electronic cigarette products containing an electric airflow sensor, including a sensor comprised of a diaphragm microphone. The sensor turns the battery on and off, and covers auto-draw, button-less e-cigarettes, cigalikes, pod devices and vaporizers using an airflow sensor. The technology is covered under electronic cigarette utility patent US 8205622.