When you enter doctor's offices, hospitals, gyms, and many other businesses in southern California, you will still get your temperature taken before being.
HOMELESSNESS POLITICS On March 24, hundreds of police officers swept Los Angeles’ Echo Park Lake of its unhoused encampments after City Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell directed the park’s closure.
The move crushed a community one leader compared to the utopian socialist Llano Del Rio settlement; police arrested 182 protesters over two nights of demonstrations and arrested or detained at least 20 journalists, according to the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker.
A year ago, the Centers for Disease Control warned that encampment sweeps could potentially increase spread of the coronavirus by dispersing people throughout the community and disrupting connections with service providers. Los Angeles accordingly cut back on such actions, outraging Angelenos who were demanding sweeps in their own neighborhoods.
THE GUSS REPORT-In the past 20 years, nowhere in Los Angeles has quality of life fallen harder than in Venice.
That doesn t mean Venice has the worst quality of life in the City or even the County of Los Angeles. But conditions worsened more in Venice since the beginning of the 21st century than virtually everywhere else in the area.
LA City Councilmember
Mike Bonin gets leveled with the blame as Venice is a unique pocket of chaos within the affluent but widely troubled District 11 that he has represented since 2013.
Bonin, 54, is a complicated and conflicted soul if ever there was one, having received an undergrad degree from Harvard in 1989, but who also survived a brief battle of quasi-homelessness and continues to survive addiction one day at a time. I don t write that as an excuse for Bonin, but context matters, so bear with me.
Corruption vs Corruptionism
MY TURN America is plagued by two similar phenomena, corruption and Corruptionism, and it is important for voters to distinguish between the two.
Corruption refers to when an individual does not play by the established rules. The isolated councilmember who pockets a bribe to approve a building project or the financier who sets up a Ponzi Scheme to rip off the elderly are examples of corruption.
Corruptionism exists when a system violates society’s norms. An example is the Los Angeles City Council which operates by a vote trading system, which Penal Code § 86 criminalized, and all councilmembers have no choice but to participate. Another example of Corruptionism was the US after the 1999 Repeal of Glass-Steagall and the 2000 legitimization of Credit Default Swaps. The most recent example of Corruptionism is the Texas power grid which was separated from the other national grids and de-regulated. Just as Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) pred