for 3 boats struggling and rough seas of the southern region of calabria. on friday, 1300 people were rescued in that incident alone. it s least defense ministry says it s working on transferring people from a crowded migrant center on the island of land, producer to the mainland, up to 10000 people in the italian town of coo, true, who protested against a new migration policy. the move adopt state prison sentences for human traffickers and renews a pledge to stop indigo boat trips. so the policy was adopted by prime minister georgia maloney on thursday. phoenix voice is a spokesman for see watch international, a german organization that operates rescue boats in the mediterranean. he says italian authorities are overwhelmed. the current situation, especially in the central mediterranean sea, is ruled. and this is, you are just covering this absolutely big, especially in a lot more days. i will go our kind of songs, background cbo tool we for example, witnessed 90 in distress
hello, i m darn jordan dough. with a quick reminder at the top stories here on al jazeera, thousands of people are protesting in the george and capital tbilisi for a 2nd day. they are rallying against a proposed law. they say will silence critics of the government. the government says it s needed to stop the influence of what it calls foreign agents. mike, hannah is in washington dc with more on the u. s. reaction to the protests and ga they say they deeply concerned about the potential for violence within georgia. first of all, the state department spokesman that price made clear that the right to protest is a universal one. at the same time, he called on both protesters and the government to keep the proceedings non violent to maintain a peaceful atmosphere. as these protests continue, that the spokesmen declined to directly criticize the georgian government, but at the same time he made very clear the u. s. position on these controversial new draft laws. russia mastery say