the power outages are still causing problems for summer pro. thhecity.. all summmr programs will open today .. buu our of the sites &phave been rrlocated. relocated.16 baltimore county schools are stilllwwthout power. and will remaan closed today.all activites are cancelled, but staff should still report to alternaae sites. howard county.. four closed.and in anne arundel can see a complete pist of schooo closings on our wesbite at fox baltimorr dot com slash morning. 33 3 3 3 result in the inner harbor. this yeer s celebration one than last year, ...when a man was murdered and a 4 year old caught a bullet in the leg. joel d. smith is liveeat the inner harbor to explain how vvsitors are viewing the police and heir plans now. good 3 patrice, ome of patrice, some f tte plans police more noticable to trouble. but that wasn t g the only chaage. and of course when it works veryone a quiet night when it comes to piolence. the loudest sounds being th
:45 you just gotta ignite the light and let t shine just own the nighh 3 like the 4th f julybaby youre a firework firework it s america s birthday. and we are celebrating all mooning july 4th themed soogs.this is katy perry s firework. welcome to foxx5 good day baltimore. baltimore.good day welcome to fox45 firework. themee songss favorite july 4th themed songs. this is katy perry s firework. welcome to fox45 firework. welcooe to fox45 &pgood day - wednesday july 4th! 3 about a 100-thousand people are still without power, this m. morninggb-g-e crews re still working tt restore it afterr friday s powerful stormm. but the good news is.. more than 85 peecent of people have had their power resttredd restored.tom rodgers ii here now. with he most up-to- date numbers. and more of here s a look at the latest num. numbers.according to b-g-e s website.. otal.anne &parundel county.baltimore city. baltimore county. parroll county. howard county. while some residents here in the cit
3 3 about a 100-thouuand people are still without power, this morning.b-g-e crews are stiil working to restore it after friday powerful storms. s look at thh latest numbers.according to b-g-e s website. total. anne arundel county. baltimore city. baltimore county. carroll county. howard county. as frustration levels rise. baltimore city is reminding those affected. there ii there.megan gilliland is here with more the ressurces. good morning guys, we went . around the city yesterday. have a-c. who don t have water.on cold spring lane. theyyre sweating out there. there.angela: 3.41 girl, i had sweat stains on my was that hot. hot. but just down the take a look.a shelter at the baltimore unior academy. filled with food. waterrand a-c. empty. not one person baltimore: 10.44 nobodyywas there!? that s strange. angela: 5.08 a lot of people are afraid to leaae their &phomes. pam carter, city of baltimore housing: 27.05 it s &pbeen a slow day. shelter we fo
a child is up. 3 3 -harbor wednesday, july 4th 3 4th 3 &p3 3 -3 about a 100-thousand people are still without power, this morning.b-g-e crews are still working to restore it after friday s powerrul storms. s a llok at the patest numbers.according to b-g-e s website. total. anne arunddl county. baltimore citt. baltimore county. carroll county. howard county. slowly but surely. powwr is being restored.but therees still a lot of repair work to be done. done.and while some residents here in the city are getting a littte frustrrted.megan gilliland is here with more on the help being offered.. that s nottbeing used. good morning guysstake a look at this. we captured this picture caa see. there is not onn person inside the emergeecy shelter at the baltimoreejunior academy. n cold spring and a-c ready to be used.but the message might have gotten lost. because some residentss tell us thhy feel they vvebeen forgotten. doreen dates: 36.15 they n the county! fo
3 yeah. it s very frustrating. because, we re living in limbo. limbo. more than a hundred thousands marylanders.. waking up to day four without power. when b-g-e says all customers will have their power restored. 3 hey there big guy. having a few drinks? then listen up. up. and. you talkin to me???the dangerous activity these átalking urinal cakesá are trying to stop. and the surprising source of ffnning for the project. 3 33 tuesday, july 3rd - some school closings in .. anne arundel county. 3 baltimore city. baltimore county. howard county. for &plinks to a complete list in your county.. go to our website .. fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 map 295belairmap 3 & still have more than a hundred phousand b-g-e customers waking upp ithout power this mo. s a look at the latest numbers.accordinn to &pb-g-e s website. total. anne arundel county.baltimore city. baltimore county. carroll county. howard county. b-g-e s progress has been impressive by sheer