Editorial Article: Protecting chocolate supplies: Scientists devise biosensor tests to tackle cocoa disease blighting West Africa
Dr. Jacqueline Barnett and Dr. Joel Allainguillaume discuss their work to develop handheld detectors to combat the spread of cacao swollen shoot virus and arrest the decline in the cocoa industry
17 Dec 2020
CSSV can have a devastating impact on cocoa yield and has killed millions of cocoa trees
In this exclusive interview, we speak with Dr. Jackie Barnett, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Bio-Sensing Technology, and Dr. Joel Allainguillaume, Associate Professor in Conservation Science Faculty of Applied Science at the University of the West of England (UWE), to find out more about their research developing on-site biosensing platforms to monitor and detect circulating strains of cacao swollen shoot virus (CSSV). Barnett, Allainguillaume, and their expert team of fellow scientists hope to use these innovative biosensors to help revitalize West