today, president biden revealed he told the pentagon on wednesday to shoot down the chinese balloon as soon as it was safe to do so. but there is still plenty of partisan sniping. j.d. vance adding to tweet and photo, and saying now he won t defend our skies and marjorie taylor green saying, it would be great if average joe would shoot it down. because joe won t. joining us now, molly jong. this is not exactly shooting beer bottles of your grand daddy s back porch. i think today we saw the u.s. military handling it in a very professional way.
the world. does that make sense? yes, our economy s strong as hell. greg: oh, my goodness. strong as hell. unfortunately in the real world the economy s as strong as joe s bladder control. except this economy is not going to trickle down. shut up that s good. anything to add joe. no, get out jack, no problems here. they re somewhere else, somewhere far away, over the rainbow, rainbow sprinkles. i m trying to say this economy is the strong as this ice cream right here, unyesterdaying, never ending. it s unstoppable. you know, taking flight is rock hard. solid as a rock. [cheers and applause] greg: you know, emily, that
sorry the only time there s a gas powered coffee machine is when eric swalwell uses a french press. didn t see a fart joke coming, did you? that s why we re number one, we can shove it in anywhere we want. but maybe joe should just stick to stuffy nose best like giving dating advice for a tween. very important thing i told my daughters and granddaughters, no serious guys till 30s. okay. no what? no series guys until you rely. greg: yeah. yeah, she was really into that. if he were in anyone else he would be sniffing a face full of pepper spray. when will joe learn no means no? but that was on friday on california and it was just the start of an awkward weekend for joe. i wonder if he s concerned about the strength of the dollar right now. i m not concerned about the strength of the dollar. i m concerned about the rest of
country. bret: the race between michael bennet and joe o dea. construction executive. he joins us now. joe, thanks for being here. joe: thanks for having me on. bret: you. yourself as not caring about political parties. tell me about how that pitch is the link so far. joe: i m really running for working americans here in the united states and colorado and i m working for small businesses. i m running for middle class, single-parent. retirees. those of us that play by the rules. we have been paying for all of this technic and we need a voice in washington, dc. bret: you on your website say about the inflation reduction act, which is what the democrats called it, that michael bennet will do anything joe biden wants including passing a technic on working americans while the economy is in a recession. it goes on to get more specific asked about that on another network. take a listen to what he said.
this is a guy that posted on facebook a picture of him and his wife madi depaul courses. i don t know who is in touch with working coloradans but i can tell you this. anybody who thinks that the trump tax cuts for the wealthy were somehow a tax cut for working americans is delusional and anybody who thinks that this bill raises the taxes on working people is delusional. bret: import response to a what senator bennet said. joe: he sounds a little unhinged, a little upset about my horses. i have been riding horses all my life and they have been a labor of love and i just can t believe that he is calling it an inflation reduction. it is a tax. if you look at the joint committee on taxation, which is a nonpartisan committee, they have been very clear that 72% of this tax that bennett and i didn t have put in place is