/PRNewswire/ Potrero Medical, innovator of the Accuryn Monitoring System, announced today that it has accepted an invitation to present at the 40th Annual J..
/PRNewswire/ Potrero Medical, innovator of the Accuryn Monitoring System, announced today that it has accepted an invitation to present at the 40th Annual J..
Jeremy Brecher's excellent history and analysis of the wave of sitdown strikes in US from 1933-1937 from their origins amongst Akron rubber workers to the great Flint sitdown strike and to their eventual co-optation by the CIO unions and subsequently in part the employers.
This Week in Toledo Hisotry Oct. 17 1918 - Toledo city health officials report 482 new cases of flu in the past 24 hours. 1921 - Large throng of men jam third floor of Toledo City Hall to apply for 200 temporary jobs with the city. Two of the men collapse in line from hunger.