. beliy god. i can t believe the rhodes scholarship went downevnt. ponsv it is an irresponsible move to deplete our reserves. nomic it s a self-inflicted economic blow to the nation. we re not experiencingbl an emergency beyond our control. biden did it d to us all. they re spending the needless one point nine trillion dollars and covid relief last year passed, by the way, with zero republican support. the damaging covid protocols, the controlsagingtr they put ine that continue to keep ourno economy all bollixed up and the refusal to enforce the border, all of it creates more economic strain on american families. ede in a not so veiled swipe at the white house s use of putin price hikes to explain away high energy costs john awaay manchin exploded today in a written statement saying i it ia a disservice to the american people to act as ifo a inflation is a new phenomenon harder thani wages and financial savings are disappearng faster every month
you know, the president trump su a gambler and all right, we got to roll that little guy. thank you , joe .t biden j i am with one phrase.us did president biden just draw the u.s. closer to conflict with russia? glenn greenwald has reaction. that sounds crazy in the outdoor cooking fun and flavor this better blackstone would have said, but do you griddles sold to brutal nation blackstone is the way america cooks outdoors backyard barbecue and even on to with its federal of blackstone all your traditional real favorites is so much more breakfast that was better dinner. yeah, it s better than with all that real estate. you can go figure on a blackstone. i m all you massive stacks of hot dogs and piles and piles of fake mouallem gerbils surface
as prices continue to climb. while the pain and frustration of spending more on everyday items lingers over a thall especially among those who can t afford at least that does not include nancy pelosi. o yet right now biden not onlyy refuses any responsibility here, his jayvee squad at the cabinet is doubling down t on the very policies that got us in this hole in the firsthi place. there s virtually no way to turn this thing around now without triggering a recession. that s how. hipid they were and our next guest thinks we might already be in a recession. biden s focus, if he s capable ofof focusing, should be immediately trained on fixing the economic mess, his stupid move against so-called ghost jets, a total waste of time. it s going to have zero effect on crime rates across h the country. if he wanted to. signal to americans that he reallyte understands the severity of what s happening, he could doal something reallyly meaningful.
deal with this food price hike. oh my gosh. he s still trying to sell that tired old line. all right. good luck with that. now harry truman famously said the buck stops here. biden says it stops more than five thousand miles away. and metropol, of course, this absurd head . biden continued to keep america energy independent. what have gasoline down at around two bucks a gallon would be a huge relief to our families and had biden stuck with trump s economic policies would still have low inflation r and maybe even rising median income which trump had. but hise but his team of dolts refused i to concedet that it s time to change course.t s a they think it s just allll a messaging problem a m. ifvi we can only convince americans that the president feels their painn and is doing everything possible, you re seeing a president that is focused on keeping an international coalition resolve