Bayfield Mayor Ashleigh Tarkington said it was “always iffy” to ask voters for a tax increase, and proved herself right Tuesday night after the town’s voters rejected a bid to increase sales tax by on.
“Great towns have great parks,” said Bayfield Mayor Ashleigh Tarkington in her pitch for Ballot Issue 2A to increase the town’s sales tax by 1% through December 2043.
Can’t argue with that. With Bayfi.
Voters in Bayfield are being asked to consider a 1% increase in the town’s sales tax, which would bring the town’s tax rate up to 4%.
Mayor Ashleigh Tarkington said a planning process that began in 20.
It’s time for Bayfield’s annual Heritage Days and Sheep Trailing event, which will start at 8 a.m. Saturday with a 5K Fun run.
Then it’s the sheep’s turn. The sheep will come down Buck Highway around .
Spain has the Running of the Bulls, and Bayfield has the Running of the Sheep. Around 2,000 sheep to be exact. It’s been a tradition in Bayfield for 22 years, since the townspeople and the Lasater fam.