stop looking in the rearview mirror. boy, you know, this is what presidents this is where the divide is, you know? i think lbj went out and handed out water one time when there was bad weather down in louisiana. w. flew over. you know? you only get one shot at this. and trump is not looking good. you know, natural disasters are trouble for politicians. people expect the public officials to be there if there s a hurricane or if there s a riot. politicians are punished for not showing up when people are in trouble. and also i have a question for you from your previous conversation. which is worse? is it worse that president trump believes what he s saying opposite all the evidence that we have about how many people died in puerto rico? or is it worse if he asserts that and knows it s not true? let me go back to tony, because you worked with him hand in glove. i know i only have a few things i think joe sk