pennsylvania and be transparent and release the medical from records. let s hear from the doctorsth that treated your stroke, donoo john , a campaign donor doctor and joe bidenr d joe sag that you re capable.speaking that doesn t cut it. and by the way, speaking, joey, he apparently thinks that veteran s wife is running notd not john not john saying as much earlier. today in pittsburgh. ha. che a look john , thank you very much for for running. i really do appreciate it. and , joe , you re going toe a you re going to be a great, great lady in the senate. in th huh? . anyway, here with reaction, republican congressman fromblicn ohio, jim jordan, along with fox news contributor jason chaffetz. jim , jordan, i start with you. you know, the fact that it s forty four , forty four in georgia, i kind of like that for one reason. i ll explain in a minute. forty six . forty six in pennsylvania. laxalt up by one in nevada. and blake marsters down by one in arizona. i like it for this rea