fire and it immediately went out and left everything in perfect condition almost for the feds and the police to go through. the house in which they lived in a quiet san francisco suburb, police found weapons. revolutionary literature and material linking them to the sla. my original decision was to be with some people federated with the sla. okay? there s a distinction in my mind. and ten days later, joe and russ are arrested and that throws everything out the window. the circumstances had made our choice for us, we were going underground immediately. at this point the sla consisted of bill harris, emily harris. and angela atwood. donald defreeze, willie wolfe, nangy ling perry and mizmoon soltysik.
period. the three of us were interested in getting more deeply involved in things. we didn t really know anybody to hook up with until i met joe remiro. joe invited me to a community meeting. it was at this meeting that i met another future comrade, russ little. we started planning for the future. we were kind of on a path to where this shit is going to necessarily escalate. we re going to catch people s attention because we re going to do something audacious. everyone to the table. bring get an oven-hot, large pizza with two of your favorite toppings for $7.99. that s right $7.99. because no one outpizzas the hut.
one night marcus foster was walking from the school board building to his car. they waited for the end of a school board meeting. and as he walked into the parking lot, they shot marcus foster dead at point-blank range. the theory was that defreeze, nancy ling perry and moon soltysik were the shooters and joe remiro and russ little were the lookouts. remiro and little had guns with them but they were not involved in the shooting. in a newspaper, the sla took credit for foster s murder. it was the first time anyone had ever heard of the group. they were proud of what they had done and they put out a press release or a statement saying they had done this.
r-e-m-i-r-i, first, joseph. instead of coming back to the driver s side, he goes to the passenger side and tells joe to get out of the van. they re both armed. and they have illegal guns and some leaflets that connect them to something much more serious. they ended up in a shootout at close quarters that had both of them so freaked out that they missed each other. 11-99. van is stopping. we have one suspect and we have the car. the leaflets, however, were a big, big problem. that connects them to the foster assassination. joe was arrested and he had a
stole a check from her and tried to cash it. and he got caught. willie wolff was an upper middle class kid a physician s son from new milford, connecticut, who went to berkeley to try to be an archaeologist. but in short order he became radicalized and he became part of this group that spent its time going to vacaville prison, and he became friends with donald defreeze. joe remiro, and russ little. defreeze had a plan. back then all the jobs in the prison were done by a convict. de freeze knew enough from talking to the prisoners that the manning the boilers is a job outside the fence. the first time they sent him to his job, he stayed there for a couple hours and he was gone. i m not certain who picked him up. i always thought it was willie.