she peeled off the sticker that said chiquita. i like the banana look. that is how you put that in potassium and you can t fault her for wearing shoulder pads during super bowl week. i have that same dress and she wore it better. i look like a fire hydrant, i had to stop wearing it after tw dogs on me in central park i didn t mind. i guess we should do the state of the union, it s not news to me or to you, maybe you use those 70 to minutes while biden was speaking to do something better with your time like rubbing your grandfather s bunion or retrieving the dead mouse from behind your fridge. i taught my dog out to hoop on command after he hears the word pelosi because one good toward deserves another pair now if i could get him to stop pumping legs when he hears the word promo, if you didn t see the speech, here is a summary of what you missed. actually, that guy moved faster bird biden said a bunch of stuff that wasn t true and republicans called him out for being mo
it still collectivist and creep and weird to me, the nation doesn t have us all, i don t care about you talk about it in the religious or the secular sense, it s an individual thing. i know he said also capitalist and all the ways that he can spend my money better than i can , which isn t what that means , but you want to extend your power to my actual soul. i believe in the separation of state and sold. this ll you re at the super bowl, the soul of the fans, it doesn t make any sense. it s impossible. the value of an individual, it is collectivist and creepy and weird and it makes my skin crawling. your skin is crawling right before me. i want to play with my favorite clip from last night, typist, w do we have the tape where joe points out one of the biggest problems we are facing as a
that s the over/under for bettors. this is a sucker s bet. it won t be as close as they say it is. again, morning joe s off track betting, let me check it again. is this right, jay? is this right? 58.5%, that is what the line is, macron winning easily once again over le pen. where are you putting your franks willie? we should remind our viewers the same morning joe bookies picked buster douglass to beat mike tyson in tokyo. we did. 42 to 1 odds. jonathan lemire, you have written a piece about that, that the white house and others are concerned that vladimir putin, whatever he ends up doing in ukraine, that his brand of authoritarianism, she may not win, as joe points out macron is still the favorite, but there is a creep of authoritarianism
now. we can t have a third misstep into another conflict. no americans want that. mark, really quickly, i have to ask you, as joe points out, there are democrats and republicans both for and against some kind of intervention here. it s split across the spectrum. this president is not known for spending a lot of time wooing the folks on the hill. does he have to do it this time? first, before you can woo somebody, you have to have a strategy. it s not clear that the president has a strategy. the problem is he sat on his hands for two years while 100,000 people were slaughtered. what s happened now, al qaeda has come to dominate the opposition, the moderate secular forces have been marginalized. if assad falls you could have an al qaeda backed government come in and take over nuclear weapons. those are their objectives. we need a strategy not to save face, a strategy to marginalize al qaeda, strengthen the secular pro-western element of rebels and make sure assad is replaced