release odd unredacted text messages of andrew mccabe, peter struck, james commy, as well as orr. the white house said the order was made at the request of a number of committees of congress and for reasons of transparency. the justice department said it has begun. but a u.s. official with direct knowledge told nbc news that the agencies would not be able to conduct a damage assessment because there are too many of them. joe. matt, let me bring in right now matt miller. you have, first of all, of course, the fbi not wanting to release, the justice department hasn t wanted it to release. the director of national intelligence didn t want it released.
with us on the set we have msnbc contributor mike barnacle. mike, how are you i m well. managing editor of bloomberg politics mark halperin and in washington, msnbc political analyst, eugene robinson. the world series starts tonight, guys. the mets. mets in six. destiny. they kind of are. but then again look at the royals who were pushed to the wall. great series. royals have home field advantage. i think they do it in seven. royals in seven. i like the mets. yankee fan being a hater. yankee fans don t hate mets fans. we think they are the adorable little brother. okay. here we go. so to politics now, they are multipling. it s true. yesterday it was with two and now it s four. four polls showing donald trump behind ben carson in iowa. the monmouth university poll of iowa republican caucus shows trump trailing carson by 14 points. the poll had trump and carson tied in august. senators ted cruz and marco rubio are tied for third place with rubio gaining six po
continues to make his name as a star ledger and most recently did this series on the steward commission which may not mean a lot to people down here but sure mental lot to chris christie because he went after it and sort of turned it upside down and 100 people foul out and haven t gotten back up yet which is what this book is somewhat about. it is about the downfall of a number of people who were not expecting to be taken down and many have gone to prison as a result of whose lives have been ruined. you all remember i am sure what triggered this book or the incident that this book is all about. the mass bust in july of 2009 of political figures mainly in northern new jersey and rabbis from portland, from the orthodox community. these two guys decided to write a book about that and i want to ask them why. why write a book about this case? because nobody understood what happened or why it happened and when it first happened in july of 2009. we were as close as anybody who was