interests. he has an obligation as the president of the united states to sit down and cooperate with this investigation and talk to bob mueller and his team. taking the fifth is not a viable option for the president of the united states and it s not something we should allow our leaders to do. i want to ask about this new lawyer, joe dinova. he has slammed the fbi and the department of justice. i want to show part of what he told fox business just a couple weeks ago. this was a plot, a brazen plot to exonerate hillary clinton in the e-mail server case, to make to ensure that she became president. and if by chance she lost, part of the plot was to frame donald trump with a false crime. this is the single most important scandal of the last 50 years, because senior doj and fbi officials engaged in conduct that was designed to corrupt an american presidential election. it wasn t the russians who corrupted the presidential election, it was the american