The quiet beauty of winter’s frozen landscape surrounds us. It is a wonderful time to reflect on the year just past as we look ahead to the future. For many, 2021 will be remembered as a year of lockdowns, Zoom calls, distance learning and remote.
Being a pillar of the Bennington community, Joe Cuddemi seemingly is a hard act to follow after his recent passing. Yet he has left a lovable place, still in place, by a dam site. So now in grief, we must trust life s process. The family members will.
When asked, the thing many people remember most clearly about Joe Cuddemi is that even though he was busy as the owner and operator of Alberto’s Italian Restaurant, he took time to sit down and chat with his customers. “I’d say that was one of his.
For more than 75 years, Alberto’s Italian Restaurant has been in the family.Owner Joe Cuddemi inherited the business from his father, Albert “Bat” Cuddemi. The restaurant was once an 1875 home, until Bat converted to a family sit-down place. Bat.
Somewhere along the way, Joe Cuddemi was dubbed the unofficial mayor of Bennington.Maybe its because of all those years of service he put in to the town. Maybe it’s because he’s lived there all but about two years of his life. Or maybe it’s because of.