conferences to explain what this ordinance does not do. that is not enough. we need to get feedback to implement this. i don t think that this should the outreach happen, how can we best move forward to that goal? everyone has differ uses for plastic bags. i will think about one community that i spent time in. in chinatown, they get reused as blindness. a lot of those will go out and buy plastic garbage bags. there is not necessarily a reduction. i think the discussion needs to do needs to happen. i know that some outreach has happened i just don t think enough has happened. this is always a really big issue, how to do best out reached. what i want are some larger town hall style dialogue for to get feedback on how we can push this forward. thank you very much, mr. president. i think that a lot of good points have been raised in terms of the importance of out reach and this is something that i have been thinking about and looking at this legislation. it is important f
that is what we have planned to do. we were the first u.s. city to pass a bag of land and that has helped us to be nominated and named as the green a city in north america. this is our opportunity to catch up with some cities that have leapfrogged what we have done to continue our role as lead greenest cities in north america. we are not alone. there have been more forceful laws than this particular law. of course, they have a very diverse population. the city of washington, d.c., the same exact those thoughts that have the exact same thing we re working on. they have the exact same thing we re working on. and it made sense to extend the implementation time. otherwise, this becomes a red herring. we were hearing a concern about the 25 cents. a number of small businesses said that once that is taken out, they will feel comfortable with the 10 cent fee. i want to offer up myself with any other questions. thank you, president. thank you to it supervisor mirkarimi and .