trustworthy. what the president why isn t hte speaking out? well, it s remarkable. th the skies above the united states become a free fire zone, which is something that americans are no whit used to . it seems that the president addressing the issue is the least that could be done. and that s not happening. they have people, some of whom aren t very good at speaking about these issues, coming out to talk abouaking abt it. and it is unnerving. bu at having said that, biden actually isn t great to talk about the situation with china greause of how compromised he is . it it was not that long ago w thata he was denying that china posed any geopolitical threat to the e united states thatvent t is whe was running for president . he is well known to have made his family has madee a tremendous amount of money through chinese communistno entities. and so he s not really the guy that you want helpin g out in this. you know, what you hope will bea not a hot war, but but it s looking like it s b
as the taliban were taking over afghanistan, joe biden was asked about the taliban and whether to take kabul. and he said it s july 4thd is to talk about happy things.h le he is fundamentallyabout haps incapable of addressing to the american people in a spontaneous way.incapable of addressing the america important information.informati. and it would be in joe biden s interest. interest on the saturday night we shot down the chinese spy balloon. he shoulony nighhot downd addre. that night we just attacked, , took down as we should have a chinese aircraft. we should have don chinesee dayi earlier. but he should have addressed, the nation then. it sbuessed thtion inexplicablen abandonment of a presidential in communications duty. d and molly, i think one of the things we know about l washingtonau and all of us havea been here way too long overo the years, is that when a commission or a task force is appointed, it s usually a way to kick the balloon downe the road. watch this. co
the helm. now, ari, the press laurasecretary, pretty momenm time for the country. as molly pointed outfor th, end the briefing today without taking a single questiontaking.n what we have to endh. the briefing. have to end thei got to go into the t i will see you tomorrow. tomorr. and thank you forciate the compliment on the smile. i appreciate that. but t i ll be back. i ll be back tomorrow. thanks, everybody. thanks have a great weekend. ari kirby took some questions, but he made i don t think hee gave people a lot of clarity and a lot of his anyh so is any of this good in the current environment? ent oh, gosh, no. is look, this is a continuation of the joe bide n did when he ran for president in 2020 from hisrt basemento . he tries to take advantage ofl t the fact that he thinksen to hdrfect er when no one woul listen to him.da and today would have been a perfect day for him to address the nation. nation becaubecause nothing gotv today. so he actually could have t
is the president and his political handlers worried about the criticism they received foe criticism ece. but really, that s just one inik a string of failures going back to the beginning of this administration that hasoj projecteected weakness andd wea and intimidation on the part of joe biden towardbiden tos the ce communist. c remember, after the collapse ofa afghanistan, chineseps propaganda outlets, we re talking about ana afghan effect. unfortunately, i think we may see another echo in these objects of the so-called afghane effect. happened senator just in the past 10 happened, senator , in the past 10 days, the administration, it seems, still quite insistent upon meeting with china. activ what is there an active wetention to meet with wang yi in munich lateekr this week forw always assessing options for l diplomacy. i ll have to let the prcet the s to wang, use potential travel, tht has the opportunit ty to be
constructive and useful. of course, that s somethin usefg atat we would take a look at now. senator cotton, should this. meeting in any way, shape or form go forward? i don t think it shouldura. lower. t wereyou know ronald reagan sending george shultz or cap weinberger or george bush sending bob gates to meet with their russian counterparts, i d be one thing but color me skeptical of joe biden sending tony blinken to meet with his chinese counterpart under these circumstance. this is going to result in ca.afer, stronger america. wha laut do you think these objects are, senator ? i mean, one s described cylindrical ones described as octagonal ones, described as like silver, metallic, smaller balloon. what are these? hazar well, i don t want to hazard a guess, laura . we have a briefing tomorrowiefi mornin morning from the administration. i suspect, as these briefings often are, we won t learn muchom more in what s already been leaked to the media. that s why it s so important