the summit meeting with vladimir putin reading off of index cards. they have a dossier on joe biden, and it shows that joe biden will cut, run, and retreat when it comes to foreign policy. we saw it in afghanistan, somebody oppose the rescue mission to take out usama bin laden. we saw it in iraq, when he supported the war in 2003, as soon as it got bad, he cut and ran. he opposed the original persian gulf war. he wanted to divide iraq into three pieces. everything military, foreign policy, for his career, has been weakness and cut, run, and retreat. it doesn t matter what biden says on the south lawn of the white house, it s his track record, it s the dossier that the russians know about biden and his weakness, and that s why, if they invade, going to know, it s the weak american president. sean: dealing with one other thing, a compromised biden family syndicate. got a dossier on hunter too, i
between trump and biden. the same poll shows a majority of voters are pessimistic about biden s leadership, the economy, a variety of other issues. in other words, biden is one of the worst-performing presidents of all time and it is getting worse. when do we get that cb ah scoring, doesn t include the o scoring, doesn t include the sunset provisions that democrats want? in other words, the fake accounting. getting friday s inflation numbers, i imagine we re still at a 31-year high. don t worry, the administration knows just how to right the ship. they decided what we really need is a rebranding campaign and debate the media to sell our build back better nonsense for us. by the way, no big signs with the sign s building a better america, that will follow joe biden all over the country as he touts his many great achievements. i can t name one, but whatever they are. the biden administration
week, joe biden excellently revealed his strategy to deal with the hostile actor, vladimir putin, and his hostile liturgy meant hostile activity, and the wait is to accommodate them, pretty much kiss their ass in any way possible. we are having meetings at a higher level, not just with us, but with our major nato allies and russia to discuss the future of russia s concerns relative to nato and whether or not we can work out an accommodation as relates to bringing down the temperature along the front. sean: joe, you are the president. you re not a concierge at a five-star hotel. you don t need to accommodate vladimir putin. and i need to say this. if you are an american in ukraine and somehow you hear my voice, get out now. if you have loved ones, my
advice is get them the hell out of there as quickly as possible. i have no faith, and neither should anyone else, that joe can prevent carnage in eastern europe, our enemies and allies all know that joe biden is in a severe cognitive decline and is in way over his head. the american people also now know and realize that joe biden is not fit for this job. according to a poll published in the boston herald yesterday, only 22% of americans now support any biden reelection. get this, kamala harris, pulling even lower at 12%. shows that half of all likely voters have a very unfavorable opinion of. meanwhile, wall street journal poll reveals a massive 30-point swing among hispanic american voters who are now evenly split in a head-to-head rematch between trump and biden.
of, the duplication, triplicaiton, waste, fraud, abuse. our country s financial mess right now. stock market is going great. if you are one of those wonderful people that can afford to be in the stock market, that s great. if you look at home heating oil, food prices, inflation, the pocketbook issues, this country is hurting and the biden administration and the policies are out of control. the socialist agenda is taking away individual rights and freedoms, taking away our ability to compete on a worldwide basis, it s just a recipe for disaster. sean: and, ari, the worst part about this, all the republicans need to do is sit down and shut up and do nothing. democrats are imploding. every poll shows that nobody is happy with biden s job. there is no job approval rating worth looking at for joe biden. kamala harris is worse. the same with speaker pelosi. they are basically handing over