juxtaposition. i think what howard said, i don t think this is adequate for biden. the fact is he had a bad week last week. he mishandled the question of the hyde amendment and did a flip-flop-flip. the iowa poll came out, howard is familiar with the iowa poll. what it showed is biden had lost a third of his support since december, still the front runner eight points behind sanders, and right behind him, elizabeth warren, pete buttigieg. the enthusiasm level was not as high as that of the others. so he s got his work cut out for him. i quite agree with howard, i don t think it s nearly enough to say that he wants to defeat donald trump. i m not sure it s enough that polls show right now he may have the best chance to do it. he will have to show more. this was only his second visit to iowa since may. you know, the process, this is a
which was the vast majority of the american people. so this is sort of phase i. trump is not going to rise above this. he can t rise above anything. joe biden was the vice president of the united states, he can. when we get into this, when he is the nominee, we want to see him acting presidential, which president trump is not. they seeming to obsessed which how much the other is obsessed with them. might be obsessed with voter s needs, to the governor s point, talking about what are you for, what your policies are and doing it in a way, frankly, you juxtopposed the way president trump speaks, the way vice president biden speaks, it seems to be whether it s a different energy level, it is a very stark
than 1% except obama took him off the trash heap. now it looks like he s failing. now i have to tell you, he s a different guy. he looks different than he used to. he acts different than he used to. he s even slower than he used to be. so i don t know i think he s the weakest mentally. i like running are against people mentally. i think joe is the weakest up here. the president followed by mr. biden down if iowa. the idea that i believe and i didn t believe if you asked me this five years ago, i would have told you, you re crazy. i think there is a genuine threat to american democracy. you know, think about this. no president of the united states has ever, ever, since the end of world war ii, we built that atlantic alliance in nato. never threatened to leave nato. never gone after our allies, embracing dictators and thugs from putin to kim jong-un,
fresh. it s hard to tell what the lead was coming out of a long speech like that. when that s the case, you know, what you sa i to people, the rhetoric sort of becomes many ushy. he needs to be clear cut and to have a sense of freshness, not have a sense of still thinking in terms of the 1990s. jen, you can knock the president for you know the insults, 8th grade insults. it s certainly, rightly and wrongly, to david s point, what joe biden said today, if you read it, it s one thing, but it was, it was very long and hard to sort of you know take some things away. i think that s right. anderson, i agree. i think in some ways it was set up in a way that joe biden couldn t align head-to-head with president trump. that s a part of his message that it s inevitable. we have a long way to go.
you actually want to do? he certainly did talk a lot about the president today. well, anderson, joe biden has laid out already some strong and concrete and positive policy plans for how he would tackle climate change, how he would address education, today in davenport,davenport. what he is doing is drawing a strong contrast how he will lead as president and donald trump has been misleading on his terror on tack, failure to lead unemployment. so i do think it s important for former vice president biden to draw a strong contrast with donald trump. that s what most democratic voters want is to understand clearly what joe biden would be for, which he has been laying out in detail the last two weeks and how he would beat donald trump in the general election campaign. which is exactly what he is speaking to tonight. one thing david axelrod also