welcome back. let s see if we got anything wrong so far. for that we go to tv s mike baker. hi, tv. i see what you did there. scorecards.corecards. we had 27there were 18 incorrect statements and five dious statements. we will break that down later on in t break down segment. on the half time, dana vachon is leading the what i on the weighted gpa curve with a 3.7 followed closely by kimberly, joe and greg. wait, i m ahead of kimberly. are you right. absolutely. you are right, i do. and i didn t have room for bill. i cooperate figure out how to add the fifth person. considering you worked all
jay she she should have taken a firm stance. it is one thing to open a discussion, but to promote and encourage violence that is essentially what she did because she allowed them to continue in this way, and it is still going on where other cities are able to shut it down and monitor it and handle it responsibly. think about it. was that a good idea? in retrospect you are saying she is wrong. so she should lose her job. can you finish that shot saying, greg was completely lying about that tweet? he sent it to me and there is a picture of you with a big gun and it was late at night and it was weird. i sent it to fox security. i said, they would like to recall, but now we are at the bottom. i hillary treat those will retreat those. let s hire diligence to investigate. that s what they did, and you saw how well that worked.
do you remember what his full name is? no. hubert gerald brown. do you know where he currently is hanging out? i want to say atlanta. he is serving a life sentence for murder. that s hot-lanta. in hot-lanta. let s switch to story number two on congressman allen west. greg, you said no one was ordained as leader of the tea party. and a quick research by the staff down here proved you to be correct. nobody was ordained as leader of the tea party. i don t know what ordained means. the coke brothers don t need to be ordained. they were just born coke brothers. kimberly, quickly, your take on the redistricting of allen west s district. i think he should stay right where he is. he is a powerful voice in america and people are making too much out of the situation. do you think there is some intent behind the redistricting? you want me to say it is racist? we had a big discussion about
that, sensorring the conservative block, american. i think it is a bad idea. apparently. greg, you said that not every baldwin no, you said every baldwin has threatened to leave the country. i believe dana said that. i think he meant it in jest. i don t know. who knew? let s go to the breast story and we will wrap it up with the breast story. the motto of the group, we came, we undressed we conquered seems bass akwards. would you like to revisit the thought that you didn t express? no. i would like to . out we got through we got through most of the stories. that s a first are to you. that was entertaining. i think so. coming up, john travolta
but he is not saying send them, kick them out. i would suggest sending them to oakland instead of the north pole. i know the idealistic socialism running a muck. you may not like the politics, but should people have to apologize for saying insydney year things when they are not advocating violence? i don t like apologies. no, i don t think you need to apologize. i will say he is right on points. this man fought for our country. in this country, if you don t agree you get the f out. that is what he was fighting for, greg, and you can t argue with that of the this guy knows america up and down. he was talking about message. that s right, if you disagree with his message, get the f out. i m for this. can t argue with it. i would say this is small potatoes compared to the stuff i heard. cornell west.