The 90th Annual Old Fiddlers Reunion is set for Friday and Saturday, May 28 and 29. With restrictions lifted by Gov. Greg Abbott and keeping guidelines set by the Centers
Live on stage: Crawfish and a concert at Betty Rose s
Featured performers will be Cameron Chambers, Jim Sadler & the Jack Creek Band and Tredwater.
If you’re a musician who has a gig, or you’re a venue owner who has a musician playing, send us your information. It’s free to be listed here, but we can’t tell everyone who’s playing if no one tells us.
Send your information to; or via mail in care of the Reporter-News, P.O. Box 30., Abilene, TX 79604.
Deadline is one week before publication.
Betty Rose s Little Brisket, 3934 Catclaw Drive. Cameron Chambers, Jim Sadler & the Jack Creek Band and Tredwater, 2 p.m. Saturday.