/PRNewswire/ May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month, and Jodi Orgill Brown, a brain tumor survivor and award-winning author of the book, "The Sun Still Shines:.
Utah mom is told she will NEVER smile again after suffering severe facial paralysis caused by a brain tumor from mysterious illness she contracted while living in the Middle East
Jodi Orgill Brown, 44, from Ogden, began suffering from symptoms, including dizziness, migraines, and vertigo, in June 2008
The mother-of-four sought treatment from doctors, who eventually diagnosed her with a brain tumor in April 2009
They were unable to identify the type of brain tumor she was suffering from, but they believed that it was caused by an autoimmune disease
Jodi lived in Israel and traveled extensively throughout the Middle East in 1996, which is when doctors suspect she caught the illness