proponents of the deals always overstate the benefits. we were told nafta would create millions of jobs. the best estimates, we had a net loss of 650 to 700,000 jobs. so those benefits are overstated. second it s often said that it is a world of free trade or protection. those are economist abstractions in a textbook. what we have is some sectors will win and some will lose. who the u.s. decides to advocate for in the deals is important. what we let go in nafta and are continuing to let go are manufacturing jobs sh good jobs in the united states that the president wants to protect. we are supporting financial interests, pharmaceutical companies and we want to loosen the rules to let secrets out.
president having signed this bipartisan jobs act into law aimed at helping the start-up firms raise capital? and then some critics say, that s going too far. what are the risks associated with this? two things, first of all, since we re talking about jobs sh and this is called a jobs act this kind of thing doesn t have much to do with the jobs in the short run. it s about making capital more available to venture start-up firms. if you re going to see jobs, it s going to be down the road. you re diminishing investor involvement. it could be risky going forward. we have to look at that. jared bernstein soshgs appreciative of your time. thank you so much. my pleasure, alex. we ve been asking all of you this day, what is your sense of the economy where you live? here are some of your tweets on that. we have one who says, virginia s
obvious to us now. mcmahon hits bloomenthal on jobs, jobs sh jobs. she doesn t like voters to think of it that way. she wants voters to think of her as a job create creator. that s his tag line over and over again. they ll fight about it again in the next debate. no one can debate the wrestling mcmahon was handling was profitable. and she made a lot of money. she s funding her own campaign with it. very profitable. and can blumenthal get away from the war discrepancies about his service in vietnam? i know he s trying to move away tr the stories, but mcmahon is hitting him hard with those. that s another big sticking point. she brought it up in the debate.