documents issue. lucas tomlinson from the white house, lucas, what is the reaction? well, bill, for days we have been hearing from republicans, they want to see this matter investigated fully and now some democrats are joining the course. i want the facts, i want the department of justice to be completely thorough, completely honest and i want we need to know who knew and when did they know and why did they chose to keep it secret for two months and before an election. lucas: two democratic senators facing tough campaigns also want to see matter investigated. manchin telling, quote, reports of mishandling documents are extremely irresponsible and disturbing. the allegations should be investigated fully. president biden spending time in beach other house in delaware. no documents discovered in that place unlike wilmington home. sent a letter to biden s director of na of na of nationag similar assessment. quote, this discovery of classified information would put preside
Dutch health technology giant Philips announced on Monday it would reduce its staff by 6,000 employees worldwide by 2025 in addition to previously announced jobs cuts
bill: the governor trying to pass legislation to make sure something like this doesn t happen again. gillian. gillian: thousands of tech workers are out of a job, analysts say jobs cuts are in the horizon. tech layoffs coming up next. tr tech layoffs coming up next. tr n
Credit Suisse is not undergoing its first restructuring. When entire divisions are restructured, projects are stopped, and regional focuses shift, the staff takes notice and starts to move.