FAYETTEVILLE Dispatchers for the city of Fayetteville have continued to answer calls and get emergency responders where they need to go in a timely manner, but it’s been more of a grind than usual, according to the police chief.
The city’s dispatch center experienced high turnover last year. Thirteen of 25 employees quit over the course of the year, prompting supervisors to work the radio, light duty officers to help check information and dispatchers to work overtime, Police Chief Mike Reynolds said. The City Council approved an extra position for the dispatch center in this year’s budget, and now 20 of 26 positions are filled, he said.
Dispatchers for the city have continued to answer calls and get emergency responders where they need to go in a timely manner, but it's been more of a grind than usual, according to the police chief.
Dispatchers for the city have continued to answer calls and get emergency responders where they need to go in a timely manner, but it's been more of a grind than usual, according to the police chief.