first of all, it s incredible this was a guy not too long ago was facing a possible recount. he is emboldened he can run an ad in the re-election season. do we think this is an opening salvo for a potential run for president, is that what gavin newsom is doing here? i don t think he will run against joe biden, if joe biden tries to run. he is clearly trying to step into a void, there is a job opening. there is a job vacancy for a national leader who will push back harder and in ra more systematic way than joe biden or merrick garland have felt comfortable doing. newsom hit on many of the key points emerge across a wide variety of states, making it harder to vote, they are banning abortion. they put new limits how teachers can talk about race, gender, sexual orientation in the classroom and ban books, lbgtq
Canada's unemployment rate hit a new record-low of 5.1%, the lowest point it's been since comparable data became available in 1976. Statistics Canada reported in its most recent Labour Force Survey that the labour force gained 39,800 jobs in May, mostly in full-time work. More than 135,000 people found full-time work last month. Gains were
There were more than twice as many open positions as unemployed individuals in Minnesota. This is the lowest ratio on record and well down from one year ago when there were 1.1 unemployed persons for each vacancy.