and finally, the bold truth about criminology. i ll explain. first, here s my take. america s job crisis persists, and there seems to be little we can do about it. but actually there is one area where government can create jobs even if consumers aren t spending and businesses aren t hiring. and in a way that is productive for long-term growth. rebuilding america. the american society of civil engineers estimates that america s crumbling infrastructure needs $2 trillion worth of repairs, upgrades, and expansions. with needs on that scale, president obama s infrastructure proposals are at one twentieth the size of the problem. we need a big plan and a ground bargain between left and right to get it. the first element of the bargain would be funding. already there are several good proposals for infrastructure banks. relatively small public investments can be leveraged to attract much larger sums of private capital. compared with other countries, the u.s. still has an astonis
there are a lot of them. yeah, there are and sometimes i just decide to unfollow those because they re not interesting. so maybe he thinks he s going to make it a little interesting. i don t think he ll probably do it that often i would assume and i m sure people will be delighted if they get what they think is a personal message from president obama unlike when they might get from congressman weiner. right. yeah. probably different we re talking a totally different tweet. a week after a congressman lost his job over, you know, anything connected with tweeting, i think i would have waited a couple of weeks to i think because they had that big because of the twit pics that we ve been inundated with, unfortunately. they had that big technology conference last week that really helped president obama become president because they utilized the internet so well and they had their finger on the pulse of social media so i think this is maybe their next step to get them to r
demand. time is pretty good if you re looking for a job over in china. meanwhile, american competitors, we re taking a hit, laying off workers, we re being forced to close all together. unfortunately, many in washington have been too afraid to address this. now, of course, with the supreme court ruling about how corporations can give unlimited funds to politicians, and there s a question about foreign money being in our election cycle, you wonder what will happen now. a leader on trade an labor issues in the senate, this senator introduced the trade act last year. great to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time here. senator, can you hear us tonight? senator brown. i m sorry, i can hear you. i thought yes, i can. this is ed, your old buddy. i can hear you. then i heard you say byron. i m sorry. it was the intro, yeah.
the me too movement on the one hand you have the prosecutors they say they have enough evidence to convict the sixty six year old hollywood mogul on the other hand weinstein maintains his innocence but there s one thing which is important about this case like you say of course dozens and dozens of women have come forward with their tales of abuse sex attacks. at the hands of wine stain when they were looking for a job over in los angeles among them such hollywood a listers as going to trial and kate beckinsale there s a really long list of course but the case against weinstein is it withstands what he was charged for today of course doesn t cover every single one of these incidents it relates to two specific alleged attacks against two women one of them in twenty thirteen and another in two thousand and four so if this does go to trial which is what it looks like it s going to do the case is going to focus chiefly on