EconoTimes is a fast growing non-partisan source of news and intelligence on global economy and financial markets, providing timely, relevant, and critical insights for market professionals and those who want to make informed investment decisions.
How is technology driving global economic and financial change? The impact of technological advances on the global economy is undeniable. The blockchain revolution, combined with the rise of artificial intelligence, has resulted in profound changes in technology. As we embark on this journey, let us look into how these changes are reshaping our world.As you
opinion? you know, i would completely agree with the analysis we just heard. it really doesn t get much better than this in this particular point of a recovery cycle. you know, i would have expected, frankly, the economy to have been in a recession. there are a lot of reasons for that, but i think what happened, we got covid. we got a lot of fiscal stimulus being poured into the economy. we got the checks to consumers. those still haven t been spent down fully. largely, but not completely. you had an administration that in some ways was bailing out people this time around rather than bailing out banks like we did in 2008 rather than businesses. there are other areas where we got stuck. the reindustrialization creating jobs. tightening at the lower end of the wage scale because of tight job markets in leisure,