we re following the run-up to the president s 100th day in office, that s this coming saturday. milestone coming along with looming threat after government shut down. w polls showing his approval rating an historic low. we are joined by our national security analyst. look at numbers. job approval for presidents in 100 days going back it president kennedy. he was at 78%. johnson, 77%. you see numbers there. trump right now only at 42% job approval number. how does that influence his ability to carry out his agenda? well, makes it tougher. no doubt about that. if he were in the 60s now, he might have an easier time getting his agenda through congress than he seems to be having. but wolf, what we see in the pollsover al polls over all, is that donald trump s base is still with him. folks who voted for him are not peeling away. at all, really.
it was staying the same, it went up modestly from 14% up to 19% so people s perception of the economy even though his overall job approval is declining, people are feeling better about the economy. in fact when it comes to the economy, that is the only job approval number of what he is doing that his right side up, that is to say more people think he approve of the job he s doing on the economy the end disapprove. jon: generally as you know, the economy, the old bill clinton campaign model it s the economy, stupid, that is what they had in the war room. if the economy improves substantially, does that give the president the opportunity to try these approval/disapproval numbers around? it should, but that is what is so unusual about these numbers. as he pointed out, people s feelings on the economy are going up at the same time that the president s approval numbers are going in the opposite direction. that doesn t happen. i think the reason it is happening is because there are s
it s addition by subtraction to the bottom line. how do we see this first face-off between the tea party and trump. well, keep in mind the numbers that are in trump s mind right now and that s his job approval number which is are in the low to mid 40s so you know he s going to be wanting to work on this. this budget outline that s coming up today is trump s first bid. his first sketch and first outline telegraphs what he is interested in, where he wants to cut but he is trying to get it all out there and send an alert to people that this is what he is interested in and get the poll numbers out. it doesn t mean that congress has to adopt it and might not but he wants to get the plans out there and work on explaining to people that he s going to follow through on the campaign promises. who in congress might fight this today? there will be a lot of, i think questions raised by some of the deficit hawks in
approve rating. donald trump in his presidency is seeing a record low approval, 44%, 53% disapprove. in historical context, you see that is a record low for this point of somebody s presidency going back all the way to eisenhower in presidential polling. donald trump clearly has his work cut out for him. in terms of that travel ban, we re seeing a majority, a slim majority, but a majority opposed. 53% of americans oppose the travel ban. 47% are in favor of it. it matters where you sit on the partisan divide. look at that 47% who favor. if you break that down by partisanship, overwhelmingly, republicans support it, democrats don t. and that 46% of independents support it. so it really does matter sort of where you are on the partisan divide. you can see there. dana bash is with us, as well. dana, these poll numbers are pretty interesting. i m sure when the president sees that low job approval number, he s not going to be happy.
agenda, this ban on seven muslim majority country travel in some ways played into the adversary s hands. the other thing that worries me is muslims in america, we count on to be vigilant, to tell law enforcement about dangers. they need to feel that they re fully part of the country and that this make muslim americans feel more separate feel injured in this first two weeks of the trump presidency. rebecca, the job approval number for the president right now, we took a look at other recent american presidents at this stage, two weeks in, and you can see president obama s job approval number in february of 09 was 76%. you can see all these other presidents, ronald reagan s was at 51%. trump is only 44%. how is this going to affect his ability worldwide, if you will, to govern? well, even here at home, wolf, it s going to make it much more difficult for donald trump to get things done.