People at Lake Tahoe are working together like never before to restore our environment, revitalize our economy, and improve our communities. We saw significant progress all around the lake this year.
The Lake Tahoe Basin saw continued environmental improvement over the last four years, but faces major challenges from climate change, according to a draft 2015 Threshold Evaluation Report released by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.
The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency invites the public to an open house covering the initial stages of the US 50, South Shore Community Revitalization Project.
The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency defended its landmark 2012 Regional Plan to restore Lake Tahoe’s environment in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on Tuesday during oral arguments against a lawsuit by the Sierra Club and the Friends of the West Shore organization.
STATELINE, Nev. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency 15-member Governing Board on Thursday unanimously approved the U.S. 50 South Shore Community Revitalization Project proposed by the Tahoe Transportation District.