phnom penh, cambodia - U.S. President Joe Biden is hoping to use the U.S.-ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh next week to continue making his case for strengthe
U.S. President Joe Biden is hoping to use the U.S.-ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh next week to continue making his case for strengthened economic ties and diplomatic neutrality in a region that has become a geopolitical battleground between America and China. Biden’s bid to cement strategic alliances comes several months after the White House hosted…
The Biden administration is hoping to find a receptive audience in areas such as maritime cooperation, sustainable development, connectivity and economic relations and will likely avoid issues that raise obvious conflicts with Beijing.
JAKARTA (The Jakarta Post/Asia News Network): Amid China’s exceptional sway in South-East Asia, the United States sought to reaffirm its previous advances during the Asean-US Special Summit earlier this month, which were aimed to rekindle its once-neglected Asean ties whilst celebrating 45 years of the engagement.