The high housing prices the city i have a close friend thought that was a great idea to live in a tailor by ocean beach this didnt upgrade or workout 6 months cops were moving in this was the wrote this solution im saying the working person a friend of mine and i tried to talk him out of this this was yur years ago. Where is he now i understand the story. He moved to tucson and and teacher teaching math. Living in a house. In a house he was a carpenter i will say it can be were trying to tackle this with various solutions it is defenda difficult i see those San Francisco that are you know completely stuffed to the gills and symptomatic of things going on in some peoples lives i see people involved in Drug Trafficking if so though the a typical situation but incidents of disorder that containment this Like Division and others but can be some of these and other people that are feeling for safe in their cars than a shelter so it is hard to apply the rule and interference for everyone that
The item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may thank you, madam clerk any Public Comment . Good morning, commissioners and chief my name is mike im the president of the San Francisco Fire Commission ems Officers Association im almost paramedicic captain the oldest serving captain with the city 25 years plus i come today is discuss a troubling issue that is sgovng currently as you may know last year you funded rc4 which is a unit that was shut down many years ago to go back to cover the south part of city, however, at this point youve fund it is still not being staffed the field rather that is being held at the bans depot fire station 404 our perspective in the ems Officers Association this is somewhat akin to a hostage take over rc4 has been told we will not move it until i agree to 12 hour shifts with the captain and in fact, of it gets moved that unit will then be pulled back to station 4 the talents to assistant the captain the new captain significant portions of
Some Community Members dont believe that market race housing plays a role in affordability so they dont care if the numbers are too high. We have to remember that most of us wont win the lottery Affordable Housing or otherwise and we have to navigate our way through the unsubsidized market. This will apply the only way to impact affordability through much of the population. It does matter if you bring it to a halt. 25 may sound great, but we ask you to insure it is the right requirement. It should support both the market rate and Affordable Housing rate. We urge you to withdraw this measure and ask you for the language acquired for this analysis. Thank you. I think i see supervisor kim on the roster . No. Okay. After Public Comment. All right. Im going to call a couple more speaker cards. calling speaker names public speaker good afternoon, my name is john, local 38 union. Over the last few years our building and trades union have taking their work. These City Residents will take their
Should point out there are 2 other members of the group from puc may be chiming in on this. A compliance manager with Natural Resources jessica supervising biologist with the same group. So, i am back after quite a lot of discussion on this topic and went on to talk about charlie mercifully brief good i know the hour is late. Im going to go into the specific changes to those restrictions that we have come up with that are before you. Im not that go through the ones you party scene at the last meeting. Ill explain a little bit about what is behind those. Also, heres a summary of the Major Concerns that came out with the public and the various submissions and conversations we had and then im asked major City Partners to join me from the airport Public Utilities Commission Parks and recreation and public works. Then finally give you a little idea what sort of timeline lies ahead in our program. We thanks to debbie, we like to talk about things in terms of the why, why were doing this in s
Injustice and infaurns if i ask myself kwhoo are the enar combithszries of today, im proud theyre irish people that are running the receiving camps in turkey and lebanon im proud to reach out to the community and south american and afghan the lessons of 1816 why people throughout the century laid down their lives is fundamentally this is a battle against injustice that inis something that takes place the world around you, we have the responsibility to respond to those in need and respond to the problems of world and find solutions that the people like our people dont interest have to turn outside for help and assistance and they can go home the city of San Francisco stands for many things one of the greatest things it stand for it fairness and equality and inclusiveness that the irish experience came out here under e unlike the irish on the east coast they didnt face the same pressures on, on the east coast in finding in their way in america the first thing tax savings started the civi