ATHOL Members of the Athol Democratic Town Committee caucused virtually Saturday morning, March 5, to pick delegates and alternates to the party’s state convention in June. Mitch Grosky, Scott MacPhee, Mare Hawthorne and Deb Biechele were elected.
Geology field trip reveals gemstones
The group first made a quick stop at Wawbeek rock, a massive glacial erratic of gneiss, and discussed the power of glaciers to push such a heavy boulder to its current location in Warwick. Photo/Joanie MacPhee
At the house of Clare Green, the group found more garnets embedded in the stones of footpaths and stone walls, showing that the gem is abundant in the Warwick bedrock. Contributed photo
Trip leader Max MacPhee demonstrates the safest method to handle a rock hammer to split rocks, with the assistance of young Hayley. Contributed photo
Staff Report