28 January 2021
Sweden s Studsvik has signed a contract worth SEK134 million (USD16 million) with Norway s Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) for loading equipment, transport, handling equipment, examination and pre-treatment of nuclear fuel from the JEEP I research reactor at Kjeller. The fuel is currently held in an ageing storage facility at the site which does not meet current requirements.
Used nuclear fuel from the Jeep I reactor stored in Stavbrønnen in Kjeller (Image: IFE)
JEEP I was the first reactor in the Nordic region, built in partnership with the Netherlands. The heavy-water research reactor, with a thermal output of 350 kilowatts, operated between 1951 and 1967. It was used as a producer of radioisotopes, a source of neutrons for experimental physics, and a reactivity measuring facility. Used fuel from JEEP has been stored in the Stavbrønnen dry storage facility, which was built in 1952. IFE said that, although the facility is monitored and there are no