Tue, 02/16/2021 - 6:45am
HealthCare.gov is reopening for a special, three-month enrollment period starting on Feb. 15 and ending on May 15, 2021.
This means anyone − Americans (individuals or families) without health insurance as well as those who have already enrolled in a HealthCare.gov plan for 2021 − all have a chance to check out their health insurance marketplace options offered through the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, outside the regular Nov. 1 through Dec. 15 period.
For information or assistance with signing up, call Jo-Ann Neal or Anna Moorman at 236-4311 to arrange a phone or Zoom appointment. AllenIF.com/individual
Serving clients in Midcoast Maine and around the world since 1866, Allen Insurance and Financial is an employee-owned insurance, employee benefits, and financial services company with offices in Camden, Rockland, Southwest Harbor and Waterville. Call 800-439-4311. Online: AllenIF.com
Allen Insurance and Financial is holding a series of free Medicare 101 workshops in 2021. All are Zoom presentations with specific meeting information provided by email. Unless noted, please email sgilbert@allenif.com for registration information.