The JNK India IPO ran from April 23 to April 25. The Thane-based company had offered shares in the fixed price band of Rs 395-415 per share. The lot size stood at 36 shares.
JNK India s shares are trading with a GMP of Rs 110 in the unlisted market, indicating a listing gain of around 22-25%. The issue was priced at Rs 415 at the upper end.
The IPO of JNK India ran between April 23 and April 25. The Thane-based company had offered its shares in the fixed price band of Rs 395-415 per share with a lot size of 36 shares.
The IPO of JNK India ran between April 23 and April 25, wherein the company had offered its shares in the fixed price band of Rs 395-415 per share with a lot size of 36 shares.