JK Tyre and Industries on Wednesday reported a consolidated profit after tax of Rs 194.96 crore for the March quarter of the previous fiscal against a consolidated loss of Rs 52.78 crore in the year-ago period. Revenue from operations in the quarter under review rose by 63.21 per cent to Rs 2,927.28 crore compared to Rs 1,792.56 crore in Q4FY20, the company said. For the fiscal 2020-21, profit after tax grew more than two-folds to Rs 330.93 crore over Rs 141.31 crore in FY20. The revenue from operations in the previous fiscal grew 4.35 per cent to Rs 9,102.20 crore against 8,722.70 crore logged in the year ended March 31, 2020.
The online to offline doorstep tyre delivery-cum-fitment service will be offered under JK Tyre Man initiative, which will be rolled out first in Bangalore in its pilot phase from March 2021, before being rolled out to the major cities and towns in India by Q2 of 2021, it added.
Agencies This partnership with JK Tyres and Car Dekho takes the tyre purchase experience to the next level with our doorstep services, Shalini added.
JK Tyre & Industries Ltd on Thursday said it has entered into a strategic partnership with CarDekho and AutoBrix for online to offline doorstep tyre delivery-cum-fitment service. Under the initiative, JK Tyre will use its existing channel network to extend its products and services to consumer s doorstep with CarDekho s automobile platform providing the online channel to purchase car tyres from JK Tyre and AutoBrix India enabling tyre delivery and fitment at customer s doorstep, the company said in a statement.
JK Tyre ties up with CarDekho, AutoBrix for doorstep services
Under the initiative, JK Tyre will use its existing channel network to extend its products and services to consumer s doorstep with CarDekho s automobile platform
PTI | March 4, 2021 | Updated 19:27 IST
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JK Tyre & Industries Ltd on Thursday said it has entered into a strategic partnership with CarDekho and AutoBrix for online to offline doorstep tyre delivery-cum-fitment service. Under the initiative, JK Tyre will use its existing channel network to extend its products and services to consumer s doorstep with CarDekho s automobile platform providing the online channel to purchase car tyres from JK Tyre and AutoBrix India enabling tyre delivery and fitment at customer s doorstep, the company said in a statement.
MRF announces bonus for employees after a sharp recovery in business
“We are disbursing, to all MRF staff who went without an increment last year, one month s salary as a token of our appreciation for a sparkling performance, in spite of the heavy odds we faced,” Chairman K M Mammen said in an internal communication viewed by ET.
MRF Ltd’s board also announced a second interim dividend of Rs 3 per equity share for FY21.
Mumbai: Tyre maker
MRF Ltd has announced a month s salary as bonus for employees who did not receive an increment in 2020, in what is early good tidings from a company that is getting back on track after the disruption caused by the pandemic.