On Saturday, Hindu religious leader Yati Narsinghanand was arrested by the Uttarakhand Police in the Haridwar hate speech case. He is the second to be arrested in the case after Wasim Rizvi alias Jitendra Tyagi.
Religious leader Yati Narsinghanand, who took part at an event in Haridwar last month that called for the genocide of Muslims, was arrested on Saturday. This is the second arrest in the case after Waseem Rizvi alias Jitendra Tyagi was arrested on Thursday.
Former chairman of Shia Waqf Board Wasim Rizvi alias Jitendra Narayan Tyagi was arrested by the Uttarakhand Police on Thursday in connection with a hate speech case, news agency ANI reported.
According to police, Rizvi has been booked under the section of 153 A of the Indian Penal code (IPC) for promoting disharmony, enmity or feelings of hatred.
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