Indian headline indices traded in the red on Wednesday amid selling pressure in bank and IT stocks. While the S&P BSE Sensex was down 168 points or 0.24% at 10 am and was trading at 69,382, the broader Nifty50 declined 43 points or 0.21% to trade at 20,848.
For Tuesday, share market analysts from a few domestic brokerages have assigned Buy calls on Union Bank, West Coast Paper, GAIL and Jindal Steel. Check price targets and other crucial details.
Jindal Steel s ongoing Rs 240 billion capacity expansion at Angul is expected to drive steel volumes at a strong 16% CAGR over the next three years, according to Vikram Kasat, head - advisory at Prabhudas Lilladher.
Stocks to watch on August 14, 2023: The market would trade cautiously ahead of India’s inflation data to be released on Monday. ITC, Divi s Lab, Vodafone India, Eicher Motors, CAMS, Varun Beverages, HAL, Nykaa among stocks to watch on Monday.