the vote for cloture is approved, if people vote to end cloture, that means it s ending debate. so the next step in the senate would be to vote for the bill that puts the funding back in obamacare. that s the funding that the house has stripped out. so that is what we expect to happen later today in the senate. it would ping-pong back to the house. the house would have to figure to out what are they going to do with it, do they leave the funding in with obamacare, do they do something else and send it back to the senate? all of this is trying to take place before tuesday when a government shutdown could happen, so we ll watch this cloture vote. it s going to take anywhere from 10-15 minutes, and as we get the results, we re bring those to you. jon: well, happening now, reaction to the president s speech promoting his signature achievement, obamacare, yesterday in largo, maryland. you might have heard president obama defending his legislation after reports that in some states individu
flight in seattle made an emergency landing after the pilot suffered a heart attack. jamie colby joins us with more on the two stories. reporter: good to see you. jon, you re a pilot. you know how things can change in a split second up in the air. we learn that the pilot reportedly suffered heart attack that was headed to houston from seattle has died. the pilot, paramedics on board, there were also military personnel on board that attended to him. he was taken to the hospital but he did not make it. and the passengers on the boeing 737 had to wait several hours until another pilot could be flown in from san francisco to complete their trip. and this other story, that you brought up, i ll tell you about it in a second. first united airlines expressing their condolences. a spokesperson saying about that pilot. i m sad to confirm our coworker passed away last night. our thoughts are with his family. they re unable to provide his
ever been out on the surface or when in the past was the martian surface covered with large bodies of water like lakes or maybe even seas? we can tell that there have been streams of water, and we still see occasionally the evidence of recent streams of water on the surface of mars. that at particular times in particular locations. jon: just about everything we know on earth as life needs water to live. does this suggest that there is life on mars or was life on mars? i believe that what we want to sort of speculate is that at some time in mars past it was much warmer and much wetter. evidence shows that the planet was much warmer and much wetter. we d like to suppose that that indicates that there was a strong possibility that at some time in the past there was life. finding water currently on mars even though it s a small amount, again, raises those hopes that perhaps there s still some life there now. jon: you need water to make
crazy like president rouhani is not crazy or everybody is not crazy because some of those things might sound crazy to our viewers. i m sure there are crazy iranians. what i m saying iranian government what we ve seen from their behavior is not reckless and not crazy. i m glad you brought up the plot to assassinate the saudi ambassador which at the time i thought was really striking. the more we dig into it, the iranians probably did know what our red line was. we didn t retaliate for that. i think that says something about president obama and their assessment of president obama. my guess is, president george w. bush, he probably would have retaliated. that may be less about where iran is and more where we are and perhaps them reading us correctly. jenna: i would love to have you back how maybe syria changed some of that conversation and maybe some of the calculations overseas. meantime, ken, we ll leave it there today. appreciate your thoughts and look forward to having you back. tha
leader ever to be a conquering hero and then choose not to remain an emperor or king or dictator when he left the presidency. over the course of his lifetime he create ad massive volume of literature. before he decide, 214 years ago he said at one point i m going to need a library for this. it has taken that long and now there is one and there are some real gems in here. most of the private correspondences of mr. washington has been lost to time. martha washington it is said burned a lot of it. there are three letters between george and martha washington from that day surviving and one of them is here. these are types of things that will provide insight well beyond the stuff we learned in grammar school. they also think they re clever about george washington because they realize the story i can not tell a lie and did chop up down the cherry tree was not in fact truthful a hip pock cref al story.