it is a very big problem. that is why i am thrilled to by the emergence of the tea party. we need a grassroots movement. they have a grassroots movement, that is what the left-wing has done. they have done this from top to bottom. we need the tea party. there is another dimension to this, which everyone is aware of, which are these social issues that run this way. that is a big problem. i would not want to be a politician. it is tough. i do not expect mitt romney to come out swinging on that. you know, marco rubio knows all this. they understand the political issue. right now, schools are controlled by leftists, our media is dominated by leftists. while that persists, there is a problem. you know, i think we have made progress on that. david, cutting to the chase, who would you suggest should be mitt romney s advisers, so that we can win in november. political advisers? i think he is doing very well. i like what