Fed Reading Your TWITTER DMS?! Elon Musk Drops BOMBSHELL In Tucker Carlson Interview Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss Fox News Tucker Carlson’s interview with Elon Musk. #musk #tucke…
If the government is already struggling to protect iconic creatures like the endangered red wolf from extinction in the wild, how will it manage with other threatened species? That concern is at the core of an Inside Story Q&A with journalist Jimmy Tobias, whose award-winning feature turned stacks of dry documents into the story of one wolf’s death and helped turn things
unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. if it happens here or here or here or anywhere that matters, america is watching on c-span, powered by cable. jimmy tobias joins us now, independent work has appeared in the nation, the guardian, other obligations. the headline of yours that got a lot of attention recently, evolution of unredacted nih emails show the rollout of the lab origins of covid. tell us about what you found out about those early days when we were try to figure out where covid came from. guest: we obtained a cache of emails that offered an inside look, concerns among some of the world s top virologists, that covid may have been engineered or came out of a lab. these virologists reached out to dr. fauci in the early days of the pandemic in january, february 2020, and brought him these concerns. what followed were a series of intense, confidential the liberations between dr. fauci, these virologists, dr. collins, other health officials, where they really looked at the
On Jan. 19, joint reporting from The Intercept and The Nation made public a collection of newly unredacted emails between Anthony Fauci, recently retired National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins, and a select few virologists, in.