overwhelmed with cases. i would persevere. i have seen many cases were all it takes is one more phone call to the american legion or other veterans service organizations. i know it is frustrating. find again, it is not the third is anything wrong with the model, it is because we have imposed the silly rules. host: mike, in madison mississippi. see, i want to mention a couple of things. caller:. i want to mention a couple of things. when it driving when driving past hospitals, believe me, you can drive past many in the private system that are not in your plan. i have used the va. one of the things that struck me, and i have been out of the military for many years, but it is a rational kind of system. people think it is regimented. everything it makes sense. there is someone doing this for a reason. i felt it was an integrated approach. everyone kind of knows what everyone else is doing. part of that was an incredibly good medical record they have. my background is in inf