Bandit Brings the Lights to NorthField Church Night to Shine ‘Shine-Thru’ USA – The Tim Tebow Foundation held its seventh annual Night to Shine event on 12 February, celebrating people with special needs over the age of 14. Bandit Lites donated lighting to the NorthField Church gathering. The evening normally features a gala, complete with a mirror ball and swaths of lighting, but due to Covid-19, volunteers made the evening as festive as possible while pivoting to a shine-thru celebration.
“I speak for every Bandit in saying are humbled to be a part of Night to Shine and to know we played a part in the smiles on the faces of these kids and their families,” said Bandit Lites vice president Mike Golden. “Every job we do is important, but very few are as special as this one is. It is an honor to be a part of this event and our thanks go out to the entire Night to Shine operation for their efforts in truly making this a night to shine.”