Robert Jay Stearley, 93, a beloved husband, father and "Pop-Pop," died peacefully on December 5, 2022, in St. Louis, MO, where he had lived since 1984. But his heart always lived in Brazil, IN, where.
Jimmie Joe Williams, 74 of Victoria passed away November 29, 2020.
Jimmie Joe’s family moved to Victoria during his early teen years. He played football for Crain Junior High School and for Victoria High School.
His football skills caused Texas Christian University to offer a full scholarship, which he accepted. At the end of his first year, due to an injury, he transferred to Arlington State University, aiding in their consecutive national championships. Jimmie Joe transferred to the University of Texas to finish his pharmacy degree.
He worked eight years as a pharmacist in Aransas Pass, making friends of clients as time passed. Jimmie Joe left Aransas Pass to work as an environmental consultant for ten years in the Asian Pacific Rim, serving Asia, the UAE, and Australia.