Notice is hereby given that the Chaffee County Board of County Commissioners will hold Public Hearing to consider the following application:
Project: Ortiz Road and Alley Vacation of Right of Way (ROW)
Applicants: William & Christine Ortiz, represented by Carol Bellhouse
Location of properties adjacent to ROW proposed to be vacated: 11225 County Road 198 (Ortiz), 11218 County Road 198 (Warner), 11230 County Road 198 (Jimerson/Klugh), vacant land at tax parcel #3421-144-19-132 (Argys/Jimerson), vacant land at tax parcel #s 3421-144-16-142 and 3421-144-16-143 (Joplin Properties, LLC), and the Union Pacific Railroad, Nathrop
Zone: Residential
Request: To vacate the southwesterly half of Fourth Street adjacent to Block 15; the southeasterly half of D Street adjacent to Block 15; and all of the alley within Block 15; all in the Townsite of Nathrop. Access for these properties is from County Road 198 or County Road 197-A. These rights of way do not have roads constructe