Garfield County is pursuing a temporary mill levy credit in 2023, a move that would lower county mills from 13.655 to 13.155. This should help provide relief to homeowners who are facing increased property taxes.
No on Proposition HH takes the lead throughout Colorado. The property tax bill that will borrow a small sum of money from the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) to relieve property tax payers lagged in.
Proposition HH will be on the November ballot this year and there is a lot involved in it. “You might think you’re voting on lowering property taxes, but you’re actually voting on a lot more,” said.
Proposition HH will be on the November ballot this year and there is a lot involved in it. “You might think you’re voting on lowering property taxes, but you’re actually voting on a lot more,”.
Proposition HH will be on the November ballot this year and there is a lot involved in it. “You might think you’re voting on lowering property taxes, but you’re actually voting on a lot more,” said.