Danger from the Sky: Japanese Balloon Bombs during World War II In an attempt to avenge the 1942 Doolittle raid on Tokyo, Japan launched 9,000 balloons carrying bombs, radio equipment, and incendiaries toward the United States. During the course of the war, only ten percent of the balloons actually made it across the Pacific, resulting in the death of six people. Join VWM Education Director Jim Triesler as he discusses the balloon bombs, WWII censorship, and a story that takes an unusual twist to the mountains of North Vietnam in the 1960s.
Montpelier Center for the Arts will hold their 24th Annual Celebration of the Arts this Saturday.
Artsline: Virtual Edition || June 7, 2021
“I am Summer, come to lure you away from your computer. come dance on my fresh grass, dig your toes into my beaches.” ~Oriana Green
Summer is here and so are the arts! This week you’ll find festivals, outdoor music, and dance performances. While there still may be social distance requirements remaining, many of the events our arts and culture community offers this week are live and in-person. You may also find some wonderful virtual performances as well. Stay in or go out – how wonderful to have the choice!