ALLEGAN, MI (WHTC-AM/FM, Apr. 4, 2023) - It's Christmas in April for some non-profit organizations that serve Allegan County. The Allegan County Commu.
ALLEGAN, MI (WKZO-AM/FM) - It's Christmas in April for some non-profit organizations that serve Allegan County. The Allegan County Community Foundatio.
Located at 165 Blue Star Highway in Douglas, Wishbone House has been around since 2011. Sandra Corsiglia and her co-volunteers hope to keep it that way.
Michigan’s first LGBTQ-owned and operated marijuana dispensary, Green Koi is committed to the community. Based in Douglas (Saugatuck) and right next door to The Dunes Resort, the dispensary’s founders are raising funds to support two important causes: sheltered animals in need and international LGBTQ+ refugees.